Saturday, April 6, 2013

French Twist and a Waterfall Bun

Today was Claire's final ski day, so braids were in order.  However, she did have a dance party this evening with her Ballet and Dance school, so something fancy.  Well, Hmmmm....  Then I remembered this cute little waterfall bun and I thought about using braids to bring the hair to the pony.  If braids why not french twists to a pony tail for skiing, then we can quickly twist the pony tail up to the bun.  Yippy, a plan was hatched.

So,we started by parting the hair down the center and for each side we did a fun little french twist  hoping to meet in the middle toward the nape of the neck.  A french twist is the same as a french braid but only adding hair to one side of the braid.  In this case only pull in hair from the bottom of the braid.  Do not incorporate hair onto the upper side of the braid, or it will not "twist" properly.  After each side of the twist was long enough to meet in the middle, I continued the braid will a few inches beyond the center and clipped it temporarily until I finished the other side.  Then I secured them together with an elastic.  At this point Claire was ready for skiing.  

When Claire finished the ski day, I had to wet the bangs and smooth the hair a little, but mostly the style stayed intact.  I now tugged on the elastic a tiny bit to open a small hole behind the braids to flip the pony tail down into to form the "waterfall".   Here is another point you can finish this style, if you choose.  I finished the style by flipping the pony tail one more time behind the braids.  This time, I only tucked the ends into the hole, leaving a bump.  I grabbed some bobby pins and pinned the 'bun' above the braids.  I also used hair spray.  I thought I was done until Claire saw the crystal and pearl hair pins from Sunny Days Boutique used in the Easter Sunday Hair Crown.  So, I put some of them on the top of the bun and finally called it good!  I really like this one.  It was a good recycled hair style.

Time: 5-15 minutes (depending on where you stop)
Difficulty: Medium
Length: Medium


  1. What a pretty hair style! I bet I could pull that off on my own hair too!

    1. I took your suggestion and did this on my hair yesterday. It works with shoulder length hair and can be done (with an extra level of difficulty) blind folded and backwards. :)

  2. That is beautiful. I was never able to master the french braid. I hope I get lots of practice when my daughter gets longer hair.

  3. Looks great, French braid is about as much as I can do

  4. I've always loved the French twist.

  5. Those are so cute! I don't have a girl to do her hair, but I want to learn how to do stuff with MY hair!

  6. I don't think my hair is long enough to try any of these. But, I will definitely be passing the ideas along to my friends.

  7. I'm sure all her friends wanna come by to have their hair done!

  8. These are so cute! I wish my daughter would tolerate me practicing on her hair.

  9. My daughter's hair isn't quite long enough, maybe a couple more inches!

  10. That is so pretty! Makes me wish my hair was longer.

  11. So cute! I love the loose look to the bun. It really gives it a fancier look.
